Phone number to call and check on or report missing North Bay fire victims.

While thousands of people are still being evacuated from the North Bay fires, many people are trying to get in touch with loved ones or report missing persons.

COMCAST has removed all restrictions and opened their WiFi for all to communicate. Login as Guest.

For real-time updates on evacuations, text a zip code to 888-777. You can send multiple texts with multiple zip codes to receive updates in several areas.

To report a missing person or receive updated information, call (707) 565-3856.

For urgent communication, find WiFi at retail stores, restaurants, or coffee shops.

Please email info@winecountry.comif you have any information regarding fire evacuations, open shelters and housing, road closures, any details about free or discounted offers to help those affected.

Jack Kulp and Carolyn McArdle do a podcast! Check it out here:

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