What Caused The Carr Fire And Why People Feel Sorry For Those Responsible.

We now know what started the massive Carr fire in Redding on July 23rd. It started from a spark from a trailer that was driving on a flat tire. 

As of this morning (Thursday), the fire is now 69% contained and has burned over 1000 homes. 

The couple that was pulling the trailer that started the fire is in their 80's and you can imagine the guilt that you would feel, knowing that you are responsible for something like that. A firefighter that knows the couple said the wife cries herself to sleep every night because she feels so much guilt. 

But here's an interesting twist. One Bay Area resident, Rachel Pilli doesn't know the couple, but said she decided to send the couple a card with a supportive message and then posted about them on social media.

Since Rachel's post went out, hundreds of people have also sent supportive cards and messages telling them not to feel guilty. People have also sent bouquets of flowers and gifts for the couple.

Rachel was quoted as saying "I think the fire has caused us to look into each other's eyes and discover the human kindness in us." 

Carolyn and Jack talked about it on the air this morning. Listen here: 

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