Bay Area Residents Are Moving To Tracy And Here's Why!

150,000 people travel over the Altamont Pass from Tracy to the Bay Area every day. Why? It's a lot cheaper to live in Tracy then the Bay Area.

Around 80 to 85 percent of the people who are new homeowners in Tracy are leaving the Bay Area to move out to the Central Valley...Tracy specifically.

For what you would pay for a small home in the Bay Area, in Tracy, you can get a large multi-bedroom home for a fraction of the cost.

Several commuters will spend up to 5 hours in the car everyday going to and from Tracy and the Bay Area.

The Tri-Valley San Joaquin Valley Rail Authority predicts a 60 percent increase in traffic between 2013 and 2040! 

What is your commute like in the Bay Area? Would you consider commuting every day from Tracy to the Bay Area or do you already?

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