Today is "Take Your Children To Work Day!"

So many things, especially things that we take for granted have changed or completely vanished, because of the current state of shelter in place.

For example, today (Thursday) happens to be Take Your Children To Work Day! Obviously, THAT’S changed for lots of parents and their kids in 2020.

If you work from home, and have children, you’ve been taking them to work, maybe in a spare bedroom or your dining room, for well over a month now! How is it working out for you? Is it a distraction? Are you happy to have them around knowing they’re safe? Or maybe a little of both.

So, for the time being, every day is Take Your Children To Work Day. If you’re home schooling, that’s an extra burden on lots of parents. Look on the brighter side, and enjoy your time together, because things will eventually get close to normal again.

Birthday celebrations now take a back seat to making sure we’re COVID-19 safe. Jack’s son is celebrating his 23rd birthday today. Normally he and his wife would travel to him to help celebrate his birthday by buying Jordan & his roommates dinner. Instead they’re going to DoorDash dinner to their house in LA, and use Zoom to video chat with him later. That’s all they can do, but it’s something!

Jack Kulp and Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air. Listen below...

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