A List Of What You Can And Can't Do This Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day weekend definitely won’t be same this year when it comes to celebrating. There are a lot of new rules here in the Bay Area that you need to abide by. Here's a list of what you can do and what you can't do:

  • You can go to the beach, but they won’t allow parking so you’ll have to find another way to get there – like ride a bike, run, or walk there.
  • You can go to the park, too, but only if it’s located within 10 miles of your home.
  • Fishing will be allowed, but you’ll need to check ahead at some of your favorite spots to see if they’re open for the holiday weekend.
  • Hiking? Go for it. But don’t forget to practice social distancing!

Officials are also discouraging backyard BBQs because it’s hard to maintain social distance, plus you’re more than likely sharing food and touching the same plates.

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