Temescal Brewing in Oakland Came Up With A Great Way To Serve Guests

Temescal Brewing in Oakland has a great new way to serve their guests. They’re calling it the Beer-O-Mat.

To order a beer, you scan a code into your phone when you enter the brewery. Then you enter your name and payment info, then select the beer you want. A host will the assign you a table, and you’ll get a text letting you know that your order is ready. After you get the text, you walk up to a wall with four rows of plexiglass covered cubbies labeled with table numbers. You look for the cubbie with your table number, and hand from behind the plexiglass pushes your order out to you. Not exactly high tech, but lots of fun!

Jack and Carolyn talked about this on The Morning Breeze, and you can listen here:

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