SFO Wants To Cut Down On Noise Inside The Terminal

San Francisco International Airport is going the extra (frequent flyer) mile to make the airport experience a bit more relaxing.

In 2018 SFO began its Quiet Airport program to cut down on noise in the terminals. It started with airport businesses cutting back on noise, and setting guidelines for the use of music in the shops and restaurants in the airport. Flight announcements are now made only at the boarding gate. In the International Terminal alone, airport staff members estimate that more than 90 minutes of unnecessary announcements have been eliminated each day.

Airport Director Ivar C. Satero said “With our Quiet Airport program, we’re creating something unique and unexpected, by tackling an issue that might be less obvious, but just as impactful to how people feel when they spend time at SFO.”

Jack & Carolyn talked about this on the Morning Breeze. Listen here:

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