How Shelter To Soldier Is Saving Veterans And Dogs At The Same Time!

Every year, our nation sees approximately 7.6 million animals enter shelters. More than half of those animals are dogs, at 3.9 million every year. This year alone, 1.2 million dogs will be euthanized due to space, behavioral problems, or medical complications. Many great dogs are often overlooked at shelters for behavior issues such as protest when left alone, different levels of classic separation anxiety, unruly (non-aggressive) behaviors, barking, poor house manners, and housebreaking issues.

Shelter To Soldier's team of professional dog trainers are experts in behavior modification, and in most cases, are able to modify unwanted behaviors and continue to train the dogs at the elite level of service work needed for their new job. What does Shelter To Soldier do specifically? Their team’s expertise in training service dogs is unmatched in the field and provides a great platform to use these talents to serve our military personnel in honor of their service to our country. The sponsored service dog will serve the critical role of psychological support to his/her veteran handler.

How can you help? By making your donation on a monthly basis you are making a huge impact on their organization and their everyday expenses related to the care of our service dogs in training. Click here for more information. You can also shop their wish list. Click here for the wish list.

Graham Bloem is one of the co-founders of Shelter To Soldier and he talked to Carolyn McArdle about the organization, how the Barnes Firm has been an integral part of the success of the program and how YOU can help!

Listen below!

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