Many People Are Suffering From "Lockdown Feet." Are You Affected?

Do you notice that you are having more and more issues lately with your feet?

Podiatrists are saying that after being in lockdown mode for over a year, many of us are suffering from something known as "lockdown feet." We now have issues with things like plantar fasciitis and other pain in the arch of our foot and in our heels. You usually see this in people between the ages of 40 and 60 but they are saying that this is happening earlier in life now to people working from home because we aren't used to wearing shoes. We live in slippers or socks or we spend our days at home barefoot and the arches of our feet are dropping and it's causing us issues and pain with our feet!

Do you suffer from "lockdown feet?" Let us know! 877-981-0981.

Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air. Listen below...

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