Women Are Leaving The Workforce Now More Than Ever. Here's Why....

Many people have certainly felt additional pressures at home thanks to a combination of working at home and then trying to manage everything going on in your household at the same time during the pandemic. According to a recent study, more women are leaving the workforce now more than ever. 

As the pandemic continues to blur office life and home life, more women are choosing to voluntarily leave the workforce at the highest rate in 30 years. Women are saying they are burned out trying to do it all. They are trying to manage work, and their kids and their spouses and they say they can't keep up this pace and something has to give and in many cases, it's work. 2 million have left the workplace since the start of the pandemic and currently, 1 in 4 women are contemplating a downshift in their responsibilities or just leaving the workforce altogether. 

Things like lack of schooling, lack of daycare and childcare...It all adds up. 

Experts are suggesting that women try to delegate more before they decide to leave the workforce completely instead of trying to take everything on ourselves.

Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air! Listen below...

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