Cut Into An Unripe Avocado? There's Still Hope

Photo: Getty Images

Have you ever misjudged the ripeness of an avocado?

You're not alone.

But can you do?

According to the experts, avocados will continue to ripen, whether whole or half.

So don't throw it out - just wait a few more days until it's ready.

You do, however, have to wrap it up. This keeps the avocado from drying out, traps any ethylene gas being released, and keeps the creamy green flesh from oxidizing and taking on an unappealing brown color.

Once covered, you can set the avocado on the counter to let it continue to ripen at room temperature, or set it in the fridge.

The countertop approach is much faster—you’re looking at four days max—but the fridge, which slows the ripening down to at least a week, is safer.

Listen to Carolyn and Cort on the Morning Breeze here:

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