The Morning Breeze Person of the Week: DeAnna in San Jose

Congratulations to DeAnna in San Jose! She is this week's Morning Breeze Person of the Week!

DeAnna was nominated by Liz, who wrote:

"DeAnna is the co-founder and Executive Director of College of Adaptive Arts, a non-profit offering lifelong college education to adults with disabilities. She is one of the most inspiring people you will meet, and she is a true warrior for adults with I/DD. She saw how her own sister with Down syndrome was sidelined from traditional educational opportunities after aging out of public post-secondary education and made it her mission to bring higher education to adults of all abilities, no matter their age. At every turn, DeAnna is always finding opportunities for her students learn, grow and become confident, well-rounded members of their communities. She was instrumental in bringing a new apprenticeship and workforce development to her school, helping to hire students with I/DD into jobs at the college. She is so deserving of this honor!"

DeAnna will receive Brunch for 2 around the Bay on City Cruises - anchored by Hornblower.

Listen to DeAnna find out she's the Morning Breeze Person of the Week:

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