Postal Worker Finds WWII-Era Letters, Drives 5 Hours to Deliver Them

Photo: bunhill / E+ / Getty Images

Postal carrier Alvin Gauthier in Grand Prairie Texas is in the news, having recently discovered a collection of wartime letters dating back to the Second World War in his parcel hamper.

The letters, signed by Marion Lamb, were addressed to his parents and postmarked between 1942 and 1944.

Gauthier, a Marine Corps veteran, felt a personal connection to the letters and embarked on a mission to reunite them with Lamb's family.

After a news story aired about the letters, Lamb's sister, JoAnn Smith, was contacted and the letters were eventually delivered to her in Jacksonville, Arkansas - hundreds of miles away.

The heartwarming reunion between Gauthier and the Smith family highlighted the power of human connection and the importance of preserving family history.


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