The Morning Breeze Person of the Week: Nelson S. in San Francisco

Congratulations to Nelson S. in San Francisco. He is this week's Morning Breeze Person of the Week!

Nelson was nominated by Nikki, who wrote:

"Nelson has restored faith in humanity. He has been Boxing his whole life, made it pro with 36-0 all KOs and for the last 15 years been coaching the youth and young adults in our community. With a degree in child care physiology he has a passion for coaching and does so with grace, depth, compassion and ministry. He has impacted so many lives in a positive way I would like to give him the recognition he respectively deserves. Awesome job Coach Nelson Santiago!"

Nelson will receive Brunch for 2 around the Bay on City Cruises.

Listen to Carolyn and Cort talk about Nelson becoming the Morning Breeze Person of the Week

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