Whether you're a card-carrying foodie or the type who thinks cute babies look good enough to eat, consider one of these baby names inspired by fruits, vegetables, spices, drinks, and other culinary concoctions.
Baby boy names
- Ale - (beer)
- Alfredo - (pasta preparation)
- Almond
- Anise - (spice)
- Bacon
- Baker
- Barack - (Hungarian brandy made from apricots)
- Barley - (grain)
- Bartlett - (type of pear)
- Basil
- Bass
- Benedict - (eggs Benedict)
- Berry
- Bing - (cherry)
- Caesar - (salad)
- Cajun - (type of food)
- Cane - (as in sugar cane)
- Capers
- Chai - (spiced tea)
- Chili
- Chip
- Chuck - (steak)
- Cobb - (salad)
- Colby - (cheese)
- Devon - (cream)
- Dijon - (mustard)
- Dom - (champagne)
- Eggbert - (from egg)
- Filbert - (nut)
- Frank - (frankfurter)
- Frito
- Graham - (cracker)
- Harvey - (Harvey Wallbanger cocktail)
- Hash - (finely chopped food)
- Herb
- Hero - (sandwich)
- Ice
- Jack - (cheese)
- Joe - (Sloppy Joe)
- Jordan - (almonds)
- Kale - (leafy, green vegetable)
- Kobe - (beef)
- Louie - (crab Louie)
- Mace - (spice)
- Maize
- Monte - (Monte Cristo sandwich)
- Mulligan - (stew)
- Napoleon - (dessert)
- Pippin - (type of apple)
- Ray - (type of fish; also known as skate)
- Reuben - (sandwich)
- Sage
- Shepherd - (shepherd's pie)
- Tom - (Tom Collins cocktail)
- Vin - (French word for wine)
- Waldorf - (salad)
- Wellington - (preparation for beef)
Baby girl names
- Abalone - (edible mollusks)
- Absinthe - (drink)
- Almond
- Amandine - (preparation involving almonds)
- Amarantha - (seeds, leaves, and stems of the amaranth plant; used in Asian cooking)
- Ambrosia - (dessert)
- Angelica - (herb)
- Anise - (spice)
- Anjou - (type of pear)
- Apple
- Banana
- Bean
- Bellini - (cocktail)
- Berry
- Blanche - (from the cooking term, blanch)
- Blueberry
- Brandy
- Brie - (cheese)
- Burgundy - (wine)
- Candy
- Cashew
- Cassis - (liqueur)
- Chai - (spiced tea)
- Champagne
- Chardonnay - (wine)
- Charlotte - (dessert made with lady-fingers)
- Cherry
- Chianti - (wine)
- Clementine
- Clove
- Coco - (from hot cocoa)
- Colby - (cheese)
- Cookie
- Coriander - (herb)
- Cress - (green, leafy vegetable in the mustard family)
- Curry
- Danish - (pastry)
- Dolce - (Italian word for dessert)
- Dulce - (Spanish word for dessert)
- Éclair - ( French dessert of cream, pastry, and chocolate)
- Fig
- Ginger
- Hallah - (or Challah, type of bread)
- Honey
- Jelly
- Julienne - (style of cutting food)
- Kale - (leafy, green vegetable)
- Lilikoi - (Hawaiian name for passion fruit)
- Madeleine - (a small sponge cake)
- Magdalena - (a small sponge cake)
- Margarita
- Martini
- Melba - (toast)
- Melony - (from melon)
- Merlot - (wine)
- Nori - (seaweed)
- Olive
- Paprika
- Parsley
- Peach / Peaches
- Pear
- Pepper
- Plum
- Reese - (from the candy)
- Rosemary
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sherry
- Shirley - (Shirley Temple cocktail)
- Sugar
- Sultana - (type of grape used for raisins)
- Suzette - (crêpe preparation)
- Sweetpea
- Syrah - (wine)
- Taffy
- Thyme
- Virginia - (ham)