Stacy Allegro from Marin was one of the first people we spoke with at the beginning on the pandemic. It was about a month in and we saw her story on the news. On March 18, 2020, Stacy started getting symptoms after her husband returned from a trip to Morocco. Eleven days later she was in the emergency room with COVID-19.
Stacy said she'll always remember her medical team at Kaiser in Marin and how helpful they were. She used to leave them notes on the wall in her hospital room. She recalled how they all looked like they were from "outer space" due to the hazmat suits they wore in the hospital at the beginning of the pandemic and none of us knew what to expect.
A year later, she's feeling good aside from a bit of a tremor in her voice which she says is a result of Covid. Other than that, she says she's feeling really great. She's new doing some volunteer work for the National Service Animals Monument. (Click here for more information) She said she loves volunteering for them and says they are always looking for more volunteers. (Hint, hint!)
Stacy called into the Morning Breeze to talk about how she's doing a year later and what her most important message is for everyone in our audience.
Take a listen, below...