We are officially headed for a drought in the state of California and, a bit closer to home, here in the Bay Area.
Extremely low rain totals and a dismal snowpack in the Sierra Nevada has left reservoirs at a historic low going into California’s dry season.
Marin Water has passed water use restrictions which begin immediately.
Here are some of those restrictions:
- Do not wash vehicles at home. If you need to wash it, use a carwash that recycles water.
- No power washing homes or businesses.
- Do not wash driveways or sidewalks.
- Do not water between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- Do not waste water. Flooding gutters is prohibited.
- Leaks must be fixed within 48 hours after being discovered.
- Garden hoses must have shutoff nozzles.
- No watering grass on public medians.
- No using potable water for dust control, sewer flushing projects or street cleaning.
- No refilling decorative water fountains.
The complete list can be found here.
Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air! Listen below...