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Update at 8:45am:
All lanes are now open. Traffic is trying to recover in the area.
Update at 7:10am:
Reports of very dense fog in the area. The freeway is still shut down in the eastbound direction.
We have a freeway closure in Davis Thursday morning as a two car accident in the 4am hour turned into a fatality when a big rig collided with the cars. This is 80 eastbound just west of Richards Blvd. The freeway is completely shut down in the eastbound direction and there is no ETO. CHP is taking traffic off of the freeway at 113. Traffic that is stuck between 113 and Richards Blvd. is being taken off of the freeway at Old Davis Rd. Your best bet if you have to use 80 eastbound in Davis is to take 113 to Covell Blvd and get back on 80 eastbound at Mace.
We will keep you updated as new information becomes available.