Photo: Getty Images
You've been hearing about mountain lions more and more in the Bay Area because, frankly, there are truly more sightings over the past few days.
Penny Lopez is one Bay Area resident who saw for herself, a mountain lion that walked through the front yard of her home in the Santa Cruz Mountains earlier this week. Also earlier in the week, a mountain lion and her cubs were spotted midday on Tuesday in South San Jose.
Should you come in contact with a mountain lion in the Bay Area (or anywhere!) , you should do the following:
- Never approach a mountain lion
- Back away slowly/ This gives the lion an opportunity to escape. Do not remain in the area or try to pass
- Stand tall, face the animal, make noise and try to look bigger by waving your arms or throwing objects
- Do not turn your back or run away, which might trigger a chase response
- Pick up small children, without bending over
- Fight back, if attacked
Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air! Listen below...