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Ray Ruschel is all things "Brighter Side" today as he has done something that most of us couldn't accomplish, even if we tried. Ray is a 49-year-old Army veteran and he also is playing on his college football team! After serving in the Army, Ray decided to go back to school to get his associate's degree at North Dakota State College of Science. A former high school football player, when Ray found out that his college had a football team, he thought "why not?" He said called the coach, they chatted about it and Coach Issendorf agreed to let him play on the team.
Ruschel had been working out and was in good physical condition. He said had he not taken this chance, the bigger regret would be to do nothing.
Ruschel is one month older than the coach . He's got two young children and what an example he is setting for them!
For more, click here.
Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air. Listen below!