Photo: Getty Images
This one was spotted by our Breeze afternoon host Lisa St. Regis. Thanks Lisa!
It’s how a Southwest passenger, while looking for her own luggage, helped other passengers reconnect with theirs.
Brittany Loubier-Vervish, a Tampa school teacher, and her husband had planned to fly from Tampa through Denver with their final destination being Tucson. But the first leg of their trip was delayed to the point that there was no hope of making their Denver-Tucson connection, so they canceled. In the meantime their luggage was already loaded on the plane.
While her husband stood at customer service to try to get their bags back. Brittany went to the luggage claim area to see if she could find their bags herself. No luck.
With time on her hands, she took to texting the phone numbers on the luggage tags of OTHER people’s bags, letting them know where their bags were. Most were from out of town, some from out of state. In all she texted at least 80 travelers to help them reconnect with their bags.
The good news is, even though it took them about four hours, Brittany and her husband found their own luggage.