We've all done it. At one point in our lives, we've lost our smartphones. Whether it's for a few minutes or a few days or, heaven forbid, forever, it's one of the worst feelings in the world!
Mobile-security company, Lookout, which specializes in smartphone protection, released an infographic on the lost-phone phenomenon–namely, the 10 worst places to lose your phone and I can certainly relate to several of these and I wonder if you will do the same.
A restaurant or bar isn’t such a horrible place, coming in at No. 9 (chance of recovery is fairly high, at 80% to 95%). The car roof comes in at No. 8, with a 25% to 75% chance of recovery. Unsurprisingly, public transit makes up a big part of the top 10. Airport security, buses and subways, airplanes, taxis–all these areas are prime spots to lose your phone.
The worst location to have your phone go missing is the swimming pool, which has a 50% to 75% chance of recovery–but your sopping-wet phone, even if retrieved, has less than a 5% chance of ever working again.
See the entire list, below....
Carolyn McArdle talked about it on the air! Listen below and tell us where YOU have lost your phone! 877-981-0981.