A surprising number of Americans think it’s OK to eat snacks, even meals, in bed.
of the two thousand people asked, 47% have consumed food in bed. 34% do not allow food in bed. What situations are people most likely to eat in bed. 66% feel it’s OK to eat in bed while watching TV. 66% have no problem snacking in bed on the weekends.
What foods are Americans most likely to consume in bed?
- Fruit
- Chocolate
- Yogurt
- Ice cream
- Pizza
- Burger
- Cake
- Biscuits
- Sandwich
- Pie
Which foods are Americans LEAST likely to eat on the covers?
- Soup
- Pasta and sauce
- Roast dinner
- Stir fry
- Curry
- Fish and chips
- Tacos
- Ramen
- Hot dog
- Sausage and mashed potato
Here are more interesting stats from the survey.
Jack & Carolyn talked about this on the Morning Breeze. Listen here: