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Whether it's the Sunday Scaries... or the Sunday Blues, most of us have been there.
That feeling of dread when Sunday comes around, knowing that another week of work is about to begin.
If you're lucky, the feeling only happens when you're experiencing a particularly busy week or maybe a big work project is due.
But some people - and I know a few - experience the Sunday Scaries pretty much every week. And research has shown that it's happening because we're waiting until Sunday to do everything needed to get ready for the next week.
The following things could help get rid of those Sunday Blues.
- Do the worst first. Don't leave the worst chores until the end of the weekend. Do those on Saturday morning - or even Friday night. Leave Sunday for fun and relaxing.
- Pace Yourself. If you can't do your chores early... at least spread them out.
- Go all in on Sunday. Meaning, Sunday is for relaxing activities ONLY.
- Treat yourself. A special treat for yourself on Sunday will make it a day to look forward to, rather than one of dread.
- Make Mondays special. The reason why Sundays are rough is because they lead to Monday. So do something on Monday to take the edge off.
- Log off. If you can, turn off your phone over the weekend. Or at least turn off your email.
Hear Carolyn and Cort from the Morning Breeze talk about it below: