You've probably seen it on social media platforms: people biting into what appears to be a fried chicken drumstick only to discover or reveal that it's actually crispy-coated ice cream wrapped around a crunchy, chocolate cookie "bone."
In fact, you've probably encountered it a bunch of times at this point, so it's safe to say the "Not Fried Chicken" ice cream treat from Life Raft Treats is a hit. But once you've reached such a successful market saturation, you've got to go bigger, and that's just what the ice cream company has done.
In time for Fathers Day, Life Raft Treats has released a Hungry Dad TV dinner-style tray of ice cream that, like their chicken-esque treats, warrants a double take.
Of course, you'll need to live near Charleston, South Carolina - and be able to pick up your TV dinner ice cream tray in person.
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