After being personally invited by New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Stephen Colbert packs his bags and heads to the tiny island nation for an unforgettable week of adventures calling "Stephen Colbert: The Newest Zealander."
While there he took the time to visit Lorde and PRANK HER!!
Lordeappeared during a New Zealand-based segment onThe Late Show With Stephen Colbertlast night. In the clip, Colbert visited Lorde’s native country, where he interviewed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern about New Zealand politics, gun policy, and the nation’s surprising lack of snakes. When Ardern confirmed New Zealand’s snake dearth, Colbert offered her a suspicious, cylindrical can of “peanut brittle.” Ardern didn’t fall for it, but fortunately, Lorde showed up during a backyard barbecue at Ardern’s home where she accepted the can of “peanut brittle.”